Center for Student Academic Success

学生学业成功中心(CSAS)致力于为所有RWU学生提供支持,因为他们接受了获得学位的挑战. The Center comprises the Advising & Peer Mentorship Office, International Student & 学者服务、学生无障碍服务和辅导中心.

CSAS通过提供广泛的学术支持服务来促进学生的成功, 与学生和教师密切合作,制定学术计划, and collaborating with our colleagues in Student Life, the Center for Career and Professional Development, the Registrar's Office, and many other departments across campus. 我们的单位领导RWU的学生成功和保留倡议,是学生的资源, faculty members, and families navigating the college experience. Student success is our top priority! To get in touch with us, please call 401-254-3744. 

Wednesday, October 9th
Mastering Your Midterms as a First-Year Student
Advising & Peer Mentorship (A&PM) Student Success Workshop Series 
下午6:30-7:30在大学图书馆一楼的Mary Tefft White房间 



We stand in unison 网赌的十大网站的黑人学生和员工. Recent events, 尤其是乔治·弗洛伊德在明尼阿波利斯的惨死, Breonna Taylor in Louisville, and Ahmaud Arbery in S. Georgia, 是否提高了社会对警察杀害黑人和其他针对黑人的暴力行为的认识, long history of systemic racism and implicit bias. 与此同时,一场世界性的流行病夺走了许多人的生命,对有色人种社区造成了不成比例的影响. 我们认识到,这一切让许多RWU社区成员感到痛苦, most especially for our Black students, faculty, and staff.      

Many students have or are preparing to take action for positive social change. This may include being a listening ear to others, engaging in activism with Black Lives Matter, 参与校园内外的社会正义活动, expressing yourself creatively through the arts, 和/或为有价值的事业做出经济贡献. 许多白人学生和员工正在利用这个机会,更深入地关注他们的白人特权,以及他们个人和集体可以做些什么来支持有意义的变革. 这也可能意味着你要暂时远离新闻和社交媒体, and that is certainly understandable too. 我们鼓励你继续照顾好自己,因为你积极地寻求改善你周围的世界.

We stand ready to support you. As a reminder, staff in the Counseling Center, 跨文化中心和学生学业成功中心可以远程为您提供学术支持, emotional, and interpersonal needs. 请访问我们各自的网站,了解我们可以提供什么,并探索下面提供的资源列表,您可能会在这些充满挑战的时期找到有用的资源.  

Stay safe and be well,  
– The Staffs of The Counseling Center, 跨文化中心和学生学业成功中心

Examples of on-line and off-campus resources:  

Resources for Persons of Color

Resources for Allies

Resources for Everyone

RWU Contact Information

Advising and Peer Mentorship

Our Advising and Peer Mentorship office 是来帮助学生在RWU取得成功的吗. 新生在顺利过渡到大学的过程中得到支持, 所有的学生都可以得到关于实现学术和个人目标的指导.

International Student & Scholar Services

International Student & Scholar Services 致力于支持RWU社区的国际学生和学者,并支持大学的国际努力.

Pre-Health Professions Advising

罗杰威廉姆斯大学为学生和校友提供个性化的建议和指导,帮助他们在毕业后规划在卫生专业的职业生涯. Learn more about pre-health advising here. 

Student Accessibility Services

The Student Accessibility Services 工作人员在这里帮助符合条件的学生获得他们在RWU茁壮成长所需的学术住宿.  

The Tutoring Center

Through the Tutoring Center, 学生可以在广泛的学科领域获得教师和同伴导师的免费辅导支持, including mathematics, writing, business, sciences, languages, and more.